Ribbon cable, 234
Ribbon Drive Assembly, 172 Ribbon Error/Out, 23 ribbon ID core, 39 Ribbon ID Sensor, 39
Ribbon ID Sensor Board Assembly Replacement, 182, 183
Ribbon Jam Error, 40, 41 Ribbon Jam/Out, 23
Ribbon Low Error Message, 39 Ribbon Sensor, 35, 37, 40, 41 Ribbon Sensor Board Assembly
Replacement (Quatro), 178, 179 Ribbon Sensor calibration, 64 Ribbon Sensor Calibration, 40, 41, 65 Ribbon Type option, 88
Ribbon Type setting, 38
ribbon wrinkle problems, 54, 55 Ribbon/Cards, 73, 148, 155, 205 RibbonTraq, 234
RMA number, 234 Roller, 234
Roller Up/Down Error, 30
Rotate Front 180 Degrees option, 123, 141
Rotate Image 180 Degrees option, 91
safety issues, 21, 73, 148, 155, 205 Safety Standards, 7
Saturation, 234
Selecting Orientation - Landscape under Card tab, 126
Selecting Orientation – Portfolio under Card tab, 128
Selecting the Visual Security Solutions, 129, 130, 131
Selecting the Visual Security Solutions dropdown menu, 127
Sending data to Track 1, 115 Sensor, 235
Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Sensor Calibrate, 23, 35
Sensor Location and Voltages table, 206 Sensor Testing, 206
Sensors button, 40, 41, 101 Serial interface, 235 Settings button, 43, 60, 102 Settings dialog box, 78 settings optimized at factory, 78 Shade Self Test, 66
Shift Data Left checkbox, 112 Shift Data Left option, 112 SIMM, 235
Simplex, 235
Skipping Ribbon Panel issues, 35 Slot Sensor, 206
Slotted Sensor Mount Assembly, 180 Smart Card, 235
SmartGuard, 235
SmartShield™, 235 Software, 235
special precautions, 73, 148, 155, 205 Spooler, 235
Spooling, 236
SS(Start Sentinel), 236 Stacker, 236
Standard Resin Black (K), 15 Standard
Stepper Motor Assembly, 173 String, 236
Supply Frequency, 9 supply side, ribbon, 39 Supply Voltage, 9 Surface mount, 236 Switch box, 236 System Control panel, 27
System minimum requirements, 38, 39 System Requirements, 9
TAC, 236
Technical Specifications, 8, 9
Temp file, 236
Test Core Pins (Lam), 65
Persona C16 Card Printer Service Manual (Rev. 5.0) | 245 |