3. Press the [OK] button.

When the user name and password are valid, or if login is not required, the network tree expands and computer names are displayed under the selected domain.

5. Select a computer



If login is required, a login authentication screen appears.


If login is not required, the network tree expands and computer names are displayed


under the selected domain.


Enter a User Name.



This may be up to 256 characters long.


Enter a Password.



This may be up to 256 characters long (case sensitive).


Press the [OK] button.


When the user name and password is valid, or if login is not required, the network tree expands and network printers are displayed under the selected computer name.

6. Select a network printer


A network printer that has already registered cannot be added.


7. Press the [Select] button.

The screen returns to the "Network Printer" screen, and the registered network printer is added to the network printer list.



zOnce the network printer is registered, do not change the shared name or printer alias on the print server.

zTo change the shared name or printer alias, remove the registered net- work printer first, and then change the share name/printer alias, and reg- ister it again.

zThe default network printer alias will be the same as the alias selected from the network tree. For details on changing the printer alias, refer to "Renaming a Network Printer" (page 129).

zWhile the network tree is displayed, enter characters to be searched for in the "Find" field, and press the [Back] or [Next] button to focus the network tree on the specified characters.