zIf this tool has already been installed, skip to section "4.5 iScanner Admin- istrator Login: via the Admin Tool" (page 53) for details about Admin Tool operations.
zFrom the Web browser [Tools] menu, select [Internet Options], and note the following points about the settings shown on the "Internet Options" dia- log box.
z In the [Accessibility] dialog box shown when selecting the [Accessibil- ity] button on the [General] tab, do not change the formatting and user style sheet settings. If these settings are changed, the displayed style of the Admin Tool may be corrupted.
z In the "Language Preference" dialog box shown when selecting the [Languages] button on the [General] tab, move the same language as for the Central Admin Server operation system to the top. If a different language is specified, a problem may occur with the input or displays for the Admin Tool.
z On the [Security] tab, if "Security level for this zone" is set to "High", part of the Admin Tool screen may not be correctly displayed.
In this case, on the [Security] tab, add the scanner or Central Admin Server to the trusted site zone and select the [Default Level] button. Or select the [Custom Level] button and set [Binary and script behav- iors] to "Enable".
zWhen the font size is large, part of the dialog box may not be shown cor- rectly. In this case, use a smaller font size.
This description uses Windows Vista as an example.
Uninstall the Admin Tool from [Control Panel] - [Programs] - [Programs and Features] in the computer in which it is installed.
Close the Admin Tool before uninstalling. If the Admin Tool is uninstalled while still open, normal operation of the open Admin Tool is not guaranteed.