
Check item





Cannot login with

Was the Caps Lock on when the

Turn off the Caps Lock and try logging in

administrator pass-

password was entered?




If the password has been lost or forgot-



ten, contact your FUJITSU scanner



dealer or an authorized FUJITSU scanner



service provider.




The "Keyboard

After turning the scanner off, was the

Disconnect the AC cable from the scan-

error or not key-

power turned back on again immedi-

ner, wait at least 10 seconds, then reat-

board present" mes-


tach the cable and turn the power back on

sage is shown on


again. If the problem persists, contact

the screen, the


your FUJITSU scanner dealer or an

scanner does not


authorized FUJITSU scanner service pro-







Input field entry

Has the input field been selected?

Select the input field and try again.

entered via the key-




Press the [Cancel] button and try again.

board does not




To use the touch panel, touch the input

appear on the


field directly and try again.







Saving is not possi-

Does the length of the "Save As"

Select a [Save As] folder that respects the

ble after pressing

folder path (folder path plus file


[Save] on the "File

name) exceed 259 characters?


Download" dialog









Status screen stops

Is there enough free space in the

Make sure that there is enough space in

at "Printing scan

drive on which the spool folder for

the drive.

data to...".

the print server exists?





No response from

Has the [Download], [Get CSV] or

Try pressing a different tab or button on

pressing tab or

[Backup] button been selected?

the screen.

enter key after a file



download opera-



tion has been



selected via the net-



work interface or



the download pro-



cess does not start.






An error occurs

Is an Admin Tool of another lan-

Uninstall the existing Admin Tool, and

when installing an

guage already installed?

try again.

Admin Tool.