Screen | Message | Action |
Scanning | An error has occurred. Some pages | Try the following: |
| were skipped. Try again after turning | z If the scanner does not restart |
| the power off and back on again. If | automatically, press the |
| problem persists, the administrator | [Shutdown] button on the |
| should contact the FUJITSU scanner | "Login" screen to turn the |
| dealer or an authorized FUJITSU | power off, and turn the power |
| scanner service provider for help. | back on again to restart the |
| Number of Skipped Pages: XXX | scanner. |
| z If the error status persists after |
| |
| |
| the scanner is restarted, press |
| the [Shutdown] button on the |
| "Login" screen, disconnect the |
| AC cable from the scanner to |
| turn the power off, wait for at |
| least 10 seconds, then reconnect |
| the AC cable and try turning the |
| power back on again. If the |
| error status persists, contact |
| your FUJITSU scanner dealer or |
| an authorized FUJITSU scanner |
| service provider. |
| E | ||
| |
| Scanner hardware failure. The | Try the following: |
| |
| administrator should contact the | z If the scanner does not restart |
| |
| FUJITSU scanner dealer or an |
| ||
| automatically, press the |
| |
| authorized FUJITSU scanner service | [Shutdown] button on the |
| provider for help. | "Login" screen to turn the |
| power off, and turn the power |
| back on again to restart the |
| scanner. |
| z If the error status persists after |
| the scanner is restarted, press |
| the [Shutdown] button on the |
| "Login" screen, disconnect the |
| AC cable from the scanner to |
| turn the power off, wait for at |
| least 10 seconds, then reconnect |
| the AC cable and try turning the |
| power back on again. If the |
| error status persists, contact |
| your FUJITSU scanner dealer or |
| an authorized FUJITSU scanner |
| service provider. |
| 531 | |
| ||