Code | Message | Action |
1204000F | Access to network folder was | Contact a network administrator to have |
| refused. The specified account | the account unlocked. |
| is currently locked out. |
12040010 | Access to network folder was | Try the following: |
| refused. Login is not possible at | z Try again when login is possible. |
| this time. | z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the time setting changed. |
12040011 | "Save as:" file name contains | Do not use the following symbols or |
| invalid characters (:*?"<>), or | character strings: |
| is set to a reserved string (CON, | : * ? " < > CON PRN AUX CLOCK$ |
| PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, | NUL COM0 ... COM9 LPT0 ... LPT9 |
| COM0, ..., COM9, LPT0, ..., | |
| LPT9). | characters. |
| |
| again. |
| 579 | |
| ||