Code | Message | Action |
110D0007 | Current login (LDAP account) | Contact a system administrator to have the |
| has become invalid. | login account validated. |
110D0008 | The file to be overwritten may | Check that the file to be overwritten is |
| be in use elsewhere. | closed, and try again. |
110D0009 | Specified password is no longer | Try the following: |
| valid for this network folder. | z Login with a different account. |
| z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the password validated again. |
110D000A | Specified user needs to renew | Try the following: |
| their password for this network | z Login with a different account. |
| folder. | z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the password changed. |
110D000B | Specified user is no longer able | Try the following: |
| to login to this network folder. | z Login a with different account. |
| z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the account validated. |
110D000C | Access to network folder was | Contact a network administrator to have |
| refused. The specified account | the account unlocked. |
| E | |||
| is currently locked out. |
| |
| |
110D000D | Access to network folder was | Try the following: |
| |
| refused. Login is not possible at | z Try again when login is possible. |
| |||
| this time. | z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the time setting changed. |
110D0044 | Access to network printer was | Contact a server administrator to find out if |
| refused. | an access permit has been set. |
110D0049 | Specified password is no longer | Try the following: |
| valid for this network printer. | z Login a with different account. |
| z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the account validated again. |
110D004A | Specified user needs to renew | Try the following: |
| their password for this network | z Login a with different account. |
| printer. | z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the password changed. |
110D004B | Specified user is no longer able | Try the following: |
| to login to this network printer. | z Login a with different account. |
| z Contact a network administrator to have |
| the account validated. |
| 555 | |
| ||