Code | Message | Action |
7A040014 | Backup file already exists. | A file or folder exists in the backup folder. |
| Specify an empty folder. |
| If a folder which does not exist is specified, |
| it will be created. |
7A040015 | Backup folder specification is | This error message is output in the |
| invalid. | following cases. After checking the error, |
| run the command again. |
| z The backup folder specified in the |
| parameter for the restore command does |
| not have write access. |
| z The specified backup folder name |
| already exists as a file. |
| z The backup file full path is longer than |
| 128 bytes. |
7A040016 | Server is busy. Try again later. | This message appears if the backup/restore |
| command is executed during an update call |
| on the Central Admin Server. |
| Wait until the update call is finished, and |
| try again. |
7A040017 | Backup failed. | If this message appears with auxiliary code |
| [7A041012], free disk space may be |
| insufficient. Ensure that there is enough |
| free disk space available, and try again. |
| If this message appears with auxiliary code |
| [7A041015], it is possible that the database |
| file used in the Central Admin Server is |
| being used with a software other than the |
| Central Admin Server software. Stop using |
| the database file and try again. |
| If this message appears without auxiliary |
| code, the contents of the problem are |
| shown in the following format. |
| ... |
| Problem details |
| ... |
| If this message appears frequently with |
| auxiliary code other than those mentioned |
| above, contact your FUJITSU scanner |
| dealer or an authorized FUJITSU scanner |
| service provider. |