5.17 Maintaining Central Admin Settings

5.17 Maintaining Central Admin Settings

Central admin settings set by the administrator can be backed up, restored, and obtained.


Audit logs are not backed up or restored by the operations described below, because they are not included in the central admin settings.

5.17.1 Backing Up Central Admin Settings

All data managed in the Central Admin Server (excluding audit logs) can be backed up.


Central admin settings can be restored using the backup file. Take backups periodically just in




To back up central admin settings, execute "AmBackup.exe" in the command prompt on the


computer installed Central Admin Server software.


When backing up, the Central Admin Server is in a temporarily suspended state, and connection


from the Central Admin Console or uploading/downloading of user roaming data, and release of


updates to scanners is not possible. On the "Scanner Operation Monitor" window, the operating



status of all scanners is indicated as "Unreported".

z Command storage location








Under the [\AmManager\Bin] folder in the installation folder of the Central Admin





Server software









z Command executable format






AmBackup.exe BackupFolderName









The character string shown in italics is variable.


fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide