6.2Using Touch Panel Screens: Regular User

6.2.1 Common Buttons and Indicators

After the user logs in, the following buttons and indicators are shown on the touch panel screens.








Shown in manual as...











Used to ...










































































[Up] button, [Down] button

Scroll up or down between items.










































































[OK] button

Set the contents of the current screen.










































































[Cancel] button

Cancel the contents of the current screen,


































or return to the previous screen.










































































[Yes] button

If the color of the button is yellow, it


































means that the button is selected.










































































[No] button

If the color of the button is blue, it means


































that the button is not selected.










































































[Caps Lock] indicator

Indicate that the [Caps Lock] key has


































been set (on the keyboard).










































































[Num Lock] indicator

Indicate that the [Num Lock] key has


































been set (on the keyboard).

























































































































































































If the [Logout] button or [Cancel] button is pressed before the [OK] button, the contents of the screen will not be set.