Screen | Message | Action |
Login | LDAP server is busy. | Try the following: |
| z Contact a system administrator |
| to have the network settings |
| checked. |
| |
| |
| z Contact a system administrator |
| to have the server status |
| checked. |
| Number of user data stores has reached | Contact a system administrator to |
| the maximum allowed. New users may | have the user information deleted. |
| not login until the old user data stores | |
| are deleted. | |
| Communicating with the Central | Login is not possible while the |
| Admin Server. | scanner is communicating with the |
| Central Admin Server. |
| Wait for the communication |
| session to finish, then try again. |
| User roaming data could not be | Check the connection to the Central |
| downloaded from the Central Admin | Admin Server. |
| Server. OK to continue? |
| (If you continue, the scanner will use |
| the currently saved scan settings.) |
Consumable | Replace Soon | Replace the consumable part when |
Alert |
| convenient. |
| For details, refer to "7.6 Replacing |
| |
| Replace Now | Replace the consumable part when |
| convenient. |
| For details, refer to "7.6 Replacing |
| |
Scanning | Document not found. Load a | Load the document into the ADF |
| document into the ADF, making sure | paper chute, and try again. Load |
| the side guides are adjusted correctly | the document to prevent any space |
| and try again. | between the side guides and the |
| edges of the documents. |
| For details, refer to "6.1 Loading |
| |