5.9Updating the System
The system, security, and installed options can be updated by uploading a new system update module and setting update calls.
The system can be updated according to the time specified on the scanner side. For more details, refer to "4.7.3 Setting a Central Admin Server" (page 90).
The system can be updated from the "System Updates" window.
The "System Updates" window is displayed by selecting the [System Updates] link on the "Scan- ner Admin Operations" window in the Central Admin Console.
■Registered System UpdatezCurrent Release
Displays the type and version, and the release date of the currently available update module. Selecting the [Cancel] button cancels release of the update module and deletes the module.
■Upload & Release a New System UpdateUploads a new system update module and issues an update call as needed.
The new system update module will be released, and applied to the scanners when one of the following occurs:
zScanner is started, or resumed from the standby mode
zScanner is logged out
zScanner is notified of any update modules
zScanner has an automatic update scheduled
Updates can be applied to the scanners that are in