Screen | Message | Action |
Network | Access was refused. Login is not | Try the following: |
Printer | possible at this time. | z Try again when login is |
| possible. |
| z Contact a network administrator |
| to have the time setting |
| changed. |
| Access was refused. The specified | Contact a network administrator. |
| account is currently locked out. |
| Access was refused. | Contact a server administrator to |
| find out if an access permit has |
| been set. |
| Operation not possible. Network path | Contact a server administrator. |
| is not working. |
| Not connected to the network. | Check that the system network is |
| functioning normally by |
| performing a ping test from |
| another machine in the network, |
| other than the server with network |
| printer. If the system network is |
| not operating properly, refer to |
| |
| |
| further solutions. |
| Number of network path connections | Close unneeded network |
| has reached the maximum allowed. No | connections, then try specifying |
| more may be specified. | the desired network path again. |
| Length of specified network printer | Select a different network printer |
| path exceeds the maximum selectable | and try again. |
| path length. This printer may not be |
| selected. |
| Cannot acquire network information. | Contact an administrator for the |
| specified server. |
| Specified user is no longer able to | The specified user account has |
| login to this network printer. | expired. |
| Try the following: |
| z Login with a different account. |
| z Contact a network administrator |
| to have the account validated. |