file The basic named unit of data stored on disk See also directory, filename.
file access permissions The access rights given to a particular file or directory. Every file and directory has a set of access permissions, a code that determines whether a process can perform a requested operation on the file (such as opening the file or writing to it) See also access permissions.
File Manager The HP CDE application that allows you to manage your files and directories, and to set viewing preferences.
filename The name given to a particular file See also absolute pathname, file, pathname.
file server A workstation whose primary task is to control the storage and retrieval of data from hard disks. Any number of other workstations can be linked to the file server via a LAN in order to use the file server to access data.
file system The hierarchically organized set of files and directories on a hard disk.
firmware The control software that is embedded in ROM and is always resident regardless of the status of the operating system. It handles the booting of the system, initialization of I/O, and starts the loading of the operating system.
floppy diskette A thin, flexible,
floppy drive A device that stores data on a floppy diskette.
hard disk A type of disk that is
hard disk drive A device that stores data on a hard disk. The hard disk can be a permanent part of the drive and thus be unremovable, or it can be removable. If it is removable, it is contained in a protective cover that