Acoustics regulations, 176 all command, 162 Applications, FCC B, 174 Audio connectors, 25 Audio ports, 17
auto boot and auto search commands, 158 Auto boot and auto search, setting, 158
acoustics regulations, 176 audio connectors, 25 block diagram, 133
CD drive, 19
chassis codes, troubleshooting, 54 components diagram, 83 configuration, 31
connectors on rear panel, 22 Declaration of Conformity, 173 documentation, reference, 179 electrical specifications, 169 emissions regulations, 174 emissions regulations compliance,
exploded view diagram, 83 firmware, updating, 165 floppy disk drive, 21 flowcharts for troubleshooting, 42 front panel components, 18 FRUs, 81
graphics, optional, 17
key features, 16
keyboard, USB, 28 LAN connector, 24
laser safety statement, 176 LCD, 18
LEDs, 176
memory failures, 30 memory, description of, 30 monitor connector, 23 monitors supported, 27 mouse, USB, 28
product description, 16 rear panel components, 22 reference documentation, 179 regulatory statements, 171 safety statements, 171 security loop, 26
serial connectors, 23 specifications, 167 storage devices, 19 TOC button, 25 troubleshooting, 41 updating firmware, 165 USB connectors, 24 USB hub, 24
video configuration statement, 175 warnings, 178
Battery, removal and replacement of, 113 Block diagram, 133
boot command, 144
Boot command notations, 52 Boot Console Handler
accessing, 142 all command, 162
auto boot and auto search commands, 158
Index | 199 |