name A character string associated with a file, directory, or link. A name can include various alphanumeric characters, but never a slash (/) or null character
See also pathname.
network Two or more workstations sharing information See also cluster, workstation.
network controller A printed circuit board that passes bit streams between the network and the main memory of the workstation. Coupled with the network transceiver, the controller also handles signal processing, encoding, and network media access.
node A computer that is on a network. Each node in the network can use the data, programs, and devices of other network nodes, assuming permissions are set up properly. Each node contains main memory and has its own disk or shares one with another node
See also disked workstation, diskless workstation, workstation.
node name A unique identifying name given to a workstation in a cluster See also cluster, node.
nonvolatile memory System memory that retains its contents even after workstation power is turned off.
object Any file, directory, or link in the network. See also directory, file, link, pathname.
operating system The program that supervises the execution of other programs on your workstation. For example, the entire
option See command option.
output device Any of several pieces of hardware used for receiving messages from the computer and storing them, or making them perceptible by humans. Disks and tapes, computer monitors, printers, plotters are examples of output devices See also input device.