Product Information
Operating System Overview
Operating System Overview
The B2000 workstation runs the HP-UX operating system version 10.20 with the 9912 Additional Core Enhancements (ACE) software bundle (December 1999). To verify which version of the operating system is running on a B2000 workstation, use the command swlist in a terminal window. Note that the ACE software bundle releases are also available at the following URL:
The B2000 workstation is an Instant Ignition system (that is, a system with preloaded software). It has X-Windows, HP’s graphical user interface, and HP CDE (Common Desktop Environment) already installed and configured. If the Instant Ignition system does not have the kernel preconfigured with all of the required device drivers, refer to the Managing Systems and Workgroups manual to configure the kernel. If you have any questions about Instant Ignition, refer to the Using Your HP Workstation manual.
Note that you can find both of the manuals mentioned in the previous paragraph on HP’s documentation website at the following URL: