® Instance
The Device Instance will be used to identify the J2K100 module on the network. If a GenSet is connected to the J1939 network, and the AC parameters passed through the J2K100 interface, the GenSet will also be identified using Device Instance number. Description
This entry allows you to modify the NMEA 2000 installation description text strings. You can enter any information you like here, such as the date the unit was installed, or the location in which it was installed, for later reference. Tools such as Maretron N2KAnalyzer allow you to view these values later. See section 3.3.4 for details on how to enter a textual value. Diagnostic Messages
The J2K100 can optionally pass through J1939 diagnostic messages, used to indicate fault conditions on engines and transmissions, from the J1939 interface to the NMEA2000® network so that NMEA 2000® connected displays can interpret these diagnostic codes. To change the transmission status of the J1939 diagnostic messages, use the Scroll Up ( ) or Scroll Down (
) keys to move the highlighted cursor to the “J1939 Diagnostic Messages:” menu item. Then, press the Enter key (
) to move the highlight to the value field, which displays either Enable or Disable. Use the Scroll Up (
) or Scroll Down (
) keys to change the value to the desired value, and then press the Enter key (
) to accept the new value and store it within the J2K100.
Figure 134 – J2K100 J1939 Diagnostic Messages Configuration PGN Enable/Disable
The J2K100 interface transmits several different messages, which can be turned on or turned off by the DSM250 display. Pressing the Enter key ( ) with “NMEA2000 PGN Enable/Disable…” menu item selected causes the DSM250 to display the following screen.
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