DSM250 User’s Manual
4.2.4 Anchor Watch
The DSM250 provides a graphical display of the Anchor Alert (section parameters. When the vessel is anchored, the position of vessel at the point of dropping the anchor is entered in to the Anchor Alert plus the maximum distance that the boat can drift from that position (normally a little more than the amount of Anchor Chain that you have let out). If the boat moves beyond that radius, an Alert is triggered. The Anchor Watch display shows the last reported position of the vessel relative to the reported Anchor Drop position and the radius of the alert (see section 7.1 for more details on the display).
4.2.5 DC
The DSM250 supports the display of information for up to 64 DC sources including alternators, batteries, solar cells, wind generators, etc., with special parameters for batteries (i.e., State of Charge, Time Remaining, etc.).
Current – displays electrical current being sourced to/from the battery
Voltage – displays voltage measured at the battery
Battery Temperature – displays battery case temperature
Battery State of Charge – displays estimated state of charge of the battery (please consult the battery monitor’s documentation for details)
Battery Time Remaining – displays estimated time remaining for the battery given its current temperature and rate of discharge (please consult the battery monitor’s documentation for details)
Ripple Voltage – displays magnitude of the AC component riding on top of the DC voltage Power – displays the power produced or consumed by the battery
4.2.6 Depth
Transducer Offset – when negative, it displays distance from the depth transducer to the bottom of the keel, when positive it displays distance between the depth transducer and the waterline Water Depth – displays the current water depth including the transducer offset. If the transducer offset is programmed to a negative number, then the water depth represents the depth below the keel. If the transducer offset is positive, then the water depth represents water line depth.
Water Below Transducer – displays the distance from the depth transducer to the sea or lake bottom (the transducer offset is not taken into account)
4.2.7 Elec. Distribution
The DSM250 supports control of the DCR100, Carling OctoPlex AC and DC Boxes, and other electrical distribution devices that utilize NMEA Command of the 127501 Binary Switch Status message for controlling loads.
Switch/Breaker – controls the ON/OFF state of a switch or circuit breaker
Breaker Current – displays current through a switch or circuit breaker
4.2.8 Engine
The DSM250 supports the display of information for up to 64 engines.
Boost Pressure – displays the boost pressure of a supercharger or turbocharger Hours – displays the number of hours of operation reported by the engine Coolant Pressure – displays the engine’s coolant pressure
Coolant Temp. – displays the engine’s coolant temperature
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