Figure 224 – WSO100 Device Label Menu
6.30.3Installation Offset Calibration
The WSO100 comes from the factory with a preset orientation, so that mounting it with the orientation marks facing the bow of the vessel, the sensor will read 0° apparent wind angle when the vessel is sailing directly into the wind (please refer to the WSO100 User’s Manual for details).
However, the WSO100 can be installed in any orientation with respect to the vessel and any misalignment with respect to the factory preset can be easily compensated for using the Installation Offset calibration menu item. To perform installation offset calibration, use the Scroll Up ( ) or Scroll Down (
) keys to move the highlighted cursor to the “Installation Offset Calibration…” menu item, and then press the Enter key (
). The Installation Offset screen then appears, which is shown in Figure 225 below.
Figure 225 – WSO100 Installation Offset Screen
Turn the vessel directly into the wind and motor forward. When you are satisfied that the apparent wind is directly on the bow of the vessel, press the Accept key to set this angle to read 0° apparent wind on the WSO100. The WSO100 will only calibrate if the apparent wind speed is greater than 2.2
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