DS33R11 Ethernet Mapper with Integrated T1/E1/J1 Transceiver











New product release.








(Page 28) Corrected pin description of REF_CLK.




(Page 28) Clarified text regarding use of REF_CLKO in DCE and RMII modes.




(Page 29) Corrected pin description of MDC.




(Page 43) In Section 9.1, removed from third bullet the sentence “The user can utilize the built-




in REF_CLKO output clock to drive this input.” Also removed from the fifth bullet the sentence




“This output clock can be used as an input to REF_CLK, allowing the user to have one less




oscillator for the system.”




(Page 45) In Section 9.1.1, updated the section to show that in DCE and RMII operating modes,




the REF_CLKO signal should not be used to provide an input to REF_CLK, due to the reset




requirements in these operating modes.




(Page 46) In Section 9.2, corrected low-power mode information.




(Page 56) In Section 9.14, removed the following sentence from the first paragraph: “The




REF_CLKO output can be used to source the REF_CLK input.”




(Page 68) In Section 9.19, clarified X.86 mode synchronization.




(Page 123) In Table 11-7, corrected SU.MACCR register map.




(Page 173) Corrected SU.GCR.H10S bit definition.




(Page 183) Corrected default value for RMPS (bit 0) in the SU.RMFSRL register definition.




(Page 183) Corrected the SU.RQLT and SU.RQHT default values to zero.




(Page 186) Corrected SU.MACCR.PM and SU.MACCR.PAM bit definitions.




(Page 319) In Table 13-10, added TCLKE to TBSYNC Setup Time Minimum of 3.5ns.




(Page 334) Added a note regarding the special considerations required for dual JTAG










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Maxim DS33R11 specifications Document Revision History, Revision Description