Starting the AN/DC and
4.Type the following command and press the Return key to verify the configuration that you specified in Step 3 (Figure
Boot Options:
boot image=network boot config=network
host IP address=192.32.x.x image pathname=
“/usr/anstartup/krnl_an.exe” config pathname=
“/usr/anstartup/config” NetBoot Parameters:
XCVR1...IP=192.32.x.x, Mask=
Figure 3-10. Verifying Directed Netboot Configuration
The Boot Options section displays the following information:
•The IP address of the server where the software image and configuration file reside
•The pathnames of the software image and configuration file
5.If the configuration information is correct, continue to Step 6. Otherwise, reenter the correct bconfig command. Contact your network administrator if you need assistance.
6.Type the following command and press the Return key to run the diagnostic tests to completion and reboot:
Or type boot and press the Return key to boot the router without running the diagnostic tests. Figure