Starting the AN/DC and
AN_DIAG>> boot
Booting Access Node...
Starting OS Kernel for network boot...
Attempting Netboot on XCVR1
IP interface active on XCVR1, attempting BOOTP
Received BOOTP response from server on XCVR1
Retrieving config 'config' from network. done
Found image '1:an.exe' on local file system...booting
Image is in compressed format... decompressing
Nortel Networks, Inc. and its Licensors.
Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998.
All rights reserved.
Figure 3-8. Netboot
Note: If the router tries to Netboot and cannot find a software image or configuration file, it attempts to Local boot once. If both attempts fail, the AN Diagnostic Monitor Login prompt (AN_DIAG>>) appears on the AN console. In this case, you or your network administrator must troubleshoot the problem.
7.When you boot the router, its LEDs flash in a particular order.
To interpret the LED sequence and troubleshoot any potential problems, refer to Chapter 4.
After connecting the router to the network, you can replace the local console with a modem connection to enable remote