Command parameters
Code | Description |
Possible values in CiA402 profile, separate or not separate mode bit 0: "Switch on"/Contactor command
bit 1: "Disable voltage"/Authorization to supply AC power
bit 2: "Quick stop"/Emergency stop
bit 3: "Enable operation"/Run command
bit 4: Reserved (set to 0)
bit 5: Reserved (set to 0)
bit 6: Reserved (set to 0)
bit 7: "Fault reset"/Fault acknowledgment active on 0 V 1 rising edge
bit 8: "Halt"/Halt. Stop according to the [Type of stop] (Stt) parameter without leaving the 5 - Operation enabled state.
bit 9: Reserved (set to 0) bit 10: Reserved (set to 0)
bit 11: Direction of rotation command. Default assignment; this bit can be assigned to another command.
=0: Forward rotation
=1: Reverse rotation
bit 12: Can be assigned to a command
bit 13: Can be assigned to a command
bit 14: Can be assigned to a command
bit 15: Can be assigned to a command
For the description of bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, see the "CiA402 profile" section.
The CiA402 standard enables the drive manufacturer to use bits 11 to 15 in a specific way. On the Altivar 61, they can be assigned to function commands. Bit 11 is assigned by default to control the direction of rotation, although it can be assigned to another command. A new assignment deletes the assignment to the direction of rotation command. Bits 12 to 15 have no default assignment. For example, to control DC injection braking using bit 12 of the Modbus control word, simply set the [DC injection assign.] (dCI)) parameter to value [C212] (C212).
The fast stop command configured by [Fast stop assign.] (FSt) is active at 1:
=0: No stop command
=1: Stop
The DC injection braking command configured by [DC injection assign.] (dCI) is active at 1:
=0: No braking command
=1: Braking
With a fixed assignment ([C1pp], [C2pp], [C3pp] or [C4pp]), the fast stop and DC injection braking commands are priority stops, even if the channel is not active. If these commands are configured as fixed assignments, the following settings must be made in order to start, even if another channel is active:
•Fast stop command = 0
•DC injection braking command = 0
With a switched assignment ([Cdpp]), the fast stop and DC injection braking commands are only operational if the channel is active.
The freewheel stop [Freewheel stop ass.] (nSt) command cannot be assigned in CiA402 profile.