Status parameters











Parameter name:

Extended status word










Logic address:

3206 = 16#0C86



WORD (bit register)


CANopen index:












DeviceNet path:











bit 0: = 1: Access to the EEPROM non-volatile memory in progress



bit 1: = 0: No parameter consistency check




= 1: Parameter consistency check




bit 2: = 0: The drive is not in fault state or a fault is present



= 1: The drive is in fault state but the fault is no longer present (not acknowledged)



bit 3: Reserved






bit 4: = 1: Drive in speed regulation mode




bit 5: = 1: DC injection braking (identical to LSR4, bit 11)




bit 6: = 0: Drive in steady state




= 1: Drive in transient state




bit 7: = 1: Motor thermal state threshold reached for the active motor



bit 8: = 1: Overbraking (identical to LSR5, bit 1)




bit 9: = 1: Acceleration in progress (identical to LSR4, bit 13)



bit 10: = 1: Deceleration in progress (identical to LSR4, bit 14)



bit 11: = 1: Current or torque limiting in progress




bit 12: = 1: Fast stop in progress (identical to LSR4, bit 15)




bit 13: bit 13 = 0 and bit 14 = 0: Command via the terminals



bit 14: bit 13 = 1 and bit 14 = 0: Command via the graphic display terminal



bit 13 = 0 and bit 14 = 1: Command via Modbus




bit 13 = 1 and bit 14 = 1: Command via CANopen, the network card or the "Controller Inside" card


bit 15: = 0: Forward operation applied before the ramp




= 1: Reverse operation applied before the ramp









Parameter name:

Extended status word 1










Logic address:

3250 = 16#0CB2



WORD (bit register)


CANopen index:












DeviceNet path:












bit 0: Reserved






bit 1: = 1: The drive is in fault state




bit 2: = 0: The drive is locked, the motor is not powered




= 1: The drive is unlocked, power can be supplied to the motor (RUN state)



bit 3: = 1: The output contactor is controlled




bit 4: = 1: Frequency threshold (ftd) reached: [Freq. Th. attained] (FtA)



bit 5: = 1: High speed (HSP) reached: [HSP attained] (FLA)



bit 6: = 1: Current threshold (Ctd) reached: [Current Th. attained] (CtA)



bit 7: = 1: Frequency reference reached: [Frequency ref. att.] (SrA)



bit 8: = 1: Motor 1 thermal state threshold [Motor therm. level] (ttd) reached: [Motor th. state att.] (tSA)


bit 9: Reserved






bit 10: = 1: PID regulator error alarm: [PID error al] (PEE)




bit 11: = 1: PID regulator feedback alarm: [PID fdbk al.] (PFA)



bit 12: = 1: 4-20 mA alarm on analog input AI2: [AI2 4-20 mA loss] (LFF2)



bit 13: = 1: Second frequency threshold (ftd) reached: [Freq. Th. 2 attained] (FA2)



bit 14: = 1: Drive thermal state threshold [Drv therm. state al] (tHA) reached: [Th. drv. att.] (tAd)


bit 15: Reserved












Page 81
Image 81
Schneider Electric 61 user manual Eti, Extended status word, LRS1