Teledyne gfc 7000ta operation manual Performing a Sample Flow Check, Cleaning the Optical Bench

Models: gfc 7000ta

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Model GFC7000TA Carbon Dioxide Analyzer

4.Pressurize the instrument with the leak checker, allowing enough time to fully pressurize the instrument through the critical flow orifice. Check each fitting with soap bubble solution, looking for bubbles. Once the fittings have been wetted with soap solution, do not re-apply vacuum, as it will suck soap solution into the instrument and contaminate it. Do not exceed 15 psi pressure.

5.If the instrument has one of the zero and span valve options, the normally closed ports on each valve should also be separately checked. Connect the leak checker to the normally closed ports and check with soap bubble solution.

6.Once the leak has been located and repaired, the leak-down rate should be < 1 in-Hg (0.4 psi) in 5 minutes after the pressure is shut off.

8.3.4. Performing a Sample Flow Check


Always use a separate calibrated flow meter capable of measuring flows in the 0 – 1000

cc/min range to measure the gas flow rate though the analyzer.

DO NOT use the built in flow measurement viewable from the Front Panel of the

instrument. This measurement is only for detecting major flow interruptions such as

clogged or plugged gas lines.

See Figure 3-4 for SAMPLE port location.

1.Attach the Flow Meter to the sample inlet port on the rear panel. Ensure that the inlet to the Flow Meter is at atmospheric f.

2.Sample flow should be 800 cc/min ± 10%.

3.Once an accurate measurement has been recorded by the method described above, adjust the analyzer’s internal flow sensors (See Section 6.13.8)

Low flows indicate blockage somewhere in the pneumatic pathway, typically a plugged sintered filter or critical flow orifice in one of the analyzer’s flow control assemblies. High flows indicate leaks downstream of the Flow Control Assembly.

8.3.5. Cleaning the Optical Bench

The GFC 7000TA sensor assembly and optical bench is complex and delicate. Disassembly and cleaning is not recommended. Please check with the factory before disassembling the optical bench.

8.3.6. Cleaning Exterior Surfaces of the GFC 7000TA

If necessary, the exterior surfaces of the GFC 7000TA can be cleaned with a clean damp cloth. Do not submerge any part of the instrument in water or cleaning solution.

Teledyne Analytical Instruments


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Teledyne gfc 7000ta operation manual Performing a Sample Flow Check, Cleaning the Optical Bench