Professional Access Point Administrator Guide
Basic Setting
Set the Wireless Network Name (SSID)
set interface wlan0 ssid NewSSiD
For example:
set interface wlan0 ssid Vicky
set interface wlan0 ssid "Vicky’s AP"
Get the IP Address for the Internal Interface on an Access Point
In the following example, the IP address for the access point is: Use the get command as shown to obtain the IP address for the Internal network.
Get the MAC Address for an Access Point
In the following example, the MAC address for the access point is: 00:a0:c9:8c:c4:7e. Use the get command as shown to obtain the MAC address.
Get Both the IP Address and MAC Address
The following command returns both the IP address and the MAC address for an access point:
mac 00:a0:c9:8c:c4:7e
Get Common Information on All Interfaces for an Access Point
The following example shows common information (including IP addresses) for all interfaces.
| status mac | ip | mask | |
name | type |
lo |
| up | 00:00:00:00:00:00 | | |
eth0 |
| up | 00:02:B3:01:01:01 |
eth1 | bridge | down | 00:02:B3:02:02:02 | |
br0 | up | 00:02:B3:01:01:01 |
| || | down | 00:00:00:00:00:00 |
| |
brguest | bridge |
| ||
wlan0 | up | 00:0C:41:16:DF:A6 |
| |
wlan0guest | up |
| |
wlan0wds0 | wds | down |
Class Structure, Commands, and Examples - 193