Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Recommended Settings, Notes and Cautions
An arrow next to field description information indicates a recommended or suggested configuration setting for an option on the Access Point.
A Note provides more information about a feature or technology and
A Caution provides information about critical aspects of access point configuration, combinations of set- tings, events, or procedures that can adversely affect network connectivity, security, and so on.
Typographical Conventions
This guide uses the following typographical conventions:
italics | Glossary terms, new terms, and book titles |
typewriter font | Screen text, URLs, IP addresses, and MAC addresses, UNIX file, command, and |
| directory names, |
typewriter font italics | Variables |
Bold Keywords | Menu titles, window names, and button names |
PDF Links
In addition to URL links, which are shown in blue and underscored, this document contains links to related sections and to glossary terms. Whenever your cursor turns into the pointing hand, a single click will take you to the referenced topic.