ADAM-5000 4-29
Chapter 4
Figure 4-27: ADAM-5051D Module
Compatible ADAM-5000 Series Main Units
ADAM-5051D is designed to be implemented with the following
Advantech ADAM-5000 series main units:
ADAM-5051D 16-channel Digital Input W/ LED Module
The ADAM-5051D has all of the same features as the ADAM-5051,
except that it is also equipped with sixteen LEDs. These are located
beside the module's panel.The purpose of an LED is to tell the user the
state in which the channel is in at the time. If the LED lights up, it
means that the channel is in Logic Level "1". If the LED remains dark, it
means that the channel is in Logic Level "0". This is illustrated in the
table on the following page.
ADAM-5051D Module Diagram