Chapter 7
Troubleshooting the Upgrade
Running new upgrade for first time
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(20031011:151758) [biff]
Copyright (c)
ROM:Rebooted by watchdog hard reset
C7200 platform with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory
Upgrade ROMMON initialized rommon 1 >
Note It is advisable to load a known good Cisco IOS image after a ROMmon upgrade.
Changing Preferences to Choose the Other ROMmon Image
To use the other ROMmon image, use one of the following commands to make the change depending on whether you are in Cisco IOS or in ROMmon:
•In Cisco IOS, use the upgrade
upgrade rom-monitor preference [readonly upgrade]
Router: upgrade rom-monitor preference readonly
You are about to mark ReadOnly region of ROMMON for the highest boot preference.
Proceed? [confirm]
Done! Router must be reloaded for this to take effect.
•In ROMmon, use the ROMmon CLI
rommon 2 > rommon-pref readonly
Troubleshooting the Upgrade
This section contains sample error messages that appear if an upgrade fails, or if an upgrade is successful, but the upgrade image is corrupted.
Network Processing Engine and Network Services Engine Installation and Configuration
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