Control panel message | Description |
13.XX.YY JAM IN TRAY 2 | A page is jammed in tray 2. |
13.XX.YY JAM IN TRAY X | A page is jammed in the tray indicated. |
alternates with
Clear jam then press
13.XX.YY JAM INSIDE DUPLEXER | A jam has occurred inside the duplexer. |
alternates with
For help press 
13.XX.YY JAM INSIDE FRONT DOOR | A jam has occurred inside the front door. |
alternates with
For help press 
Recommended action
width guides, and confirm that the guides are in the correct position.
5.To continue printing, press to clear the message, and then press
Remove tray 2, clear the jam, and then reinstall tray 2.
See Clearing jams from the input-tray areas.
If the message persists after clearing all pages, contact HP Support.
1.Press to see
2.Remove the tray indicated.
3.Confirm that the media guides and dial are in the correct position and match the media that is loaded in the tray.
4.Remove all media found in the printer, and then reinstall the tray.
5.To exit, press .
NOTE To avoid jams with heavier media, use tray 1 and the rear output bin.
1.Press to see
2.Remove the duplexer from the rear of the printer.
3.Look inside the printer duplex area and remove any media.
4.Remove any media from the duplexer.
5.Reinstall the duplexer.
6.To exit, press .
Press for help.
See Clearing jams from the
If the message persists after clearing all pages and exiting Help, contact HP Support.