Troubleshooting common Windows problems

Error message:

"Error Writing to LPTx" in Windows 9x.


Media is not loaded.

The cable is defective or loose.

The printer is plugged into a power strip and is not receiving enough power.

The input/output setting is incorrect.


Make sure that paper or other print media is loaded in the trays.

Make sure that the cables are connected correctly, the printer is on, and the Ready light is on.

Unplug the power cord from the power strip and plug it into another electrical outlet.

Click Start, click Settings, and then click Printers. Right- click the HP LaserJet 5200 printer driver and select Properties. Click Details and then click Port Settings. Click to clear the check mark from the Check Port State before Printing box. Click OK. Click Spool Setting and then click Print Directly to Printer. Click OK.

Error message:


"General Protection FaultException OE"




"Illegal Operation"









Close all software programs, restart Windows, and try again.


Select a different printer driver. If the HP LaserJet 5200


PCL 6 driver is selected, switch to a PCL 5e or PS printer


driver. You can usually do this from a software program.


Delete all temp files from the Temp subdirectory. You can


determine the name of the directory by editing the


AUTOEXEC.BAT file and looking for the statement "Set


Temp =". The name after this statement is the temp


directory. It is usually C:\TEMP by default, but can be




See the Microsoft Windows documentation that came with


your computer for more information about Windows error





166 Chapter 7 Problem solving