Setting | Use Whenever You Need To ... | Applies To ... |
Receive Fax | Change the Receive Mode, which depends on whether you have a | Receive Mode, Rings to |
Setup | separate fax line and/or a telephone answering machine. | Answer, Distinctive Ring, |
| Change the number of times your telephone should ring before the | and Silent Detect apply to |
| HP OfficeJet LX answers (applies only when the receive mode is | both paper and PC faxes. |
| set to Auto). The factory setting is Rings to Answer=2. |
| Specify whether each page of incoming faxes should be reduced to |
| fit on one page of the loaded paper size. The factory setting is | Automatic Reduction |
| Automatic Reduction=On. | applies only to paper faxes. |
| Specify whether incoming faxes should be received to memory if |
| an error occurs. The factory setting is Backup Reception=On. | Backup Reception applies |
| Specify whether you are using a distinctive ringing service. The | only to paper faxes. |
| factory setting is Distinctive Ring=Off. |
| Specify whether you want to receive faxes from |
| machines that don't emit a fax signal. The factory setting is Silent |
| Detect=Off. |
| Specify whether remote |
| Remote Service=Off. |
Route Received | :Specify whether incoming faxes should be sent to the printer or to | This setting switches |
Faxes | the PC. The factory setting is Route Received Faxes=To Printer. | between paper and PC |
| faxing (for incoming |
| faxes). |
Loaded Paper | :Specify the type of paper that is currently loaded: Letter, Legal, | Loaded Paper Size |
Size | A4, Exec, or Envelope. You will need to change this setting | specifies the size of paper |
| whenever you load a different size of paper. The factory setting for | that is loaded for printing, |
| the U.S. is Loaded Paper Size=Letter. The factory setting for | copying, and paper faxes. |
| Europe is Loaded Paper Size=A4. |
Copy Reduction | Set the percentage that a copy will be, relative to the original. The | Copy Reduction applies to |
| factory setting is Copy Reduction=100%. | copies. |
Sounds | :Turn off or adjust the volume of sounds that the device | The Sounds settings apply |
| makes. The factory settings are Ringer=On, Beeps=On, Ring and | to both paper and PC faxes. |
| Beep Volume=Soft. |