Changing the Display
Use the Show buttons to display either Unsent Faxes, Sent Faxes, or All Faxes.
Use the Display buttons to change the display in the Destination field.
:Clicking the Names button (the default) displays the recipients' names (people or companies), as selected from a phonebook or specified in the Send Fax dialog box.
:Clicking the ID's button displays the recipients' fax identifiers (usually, their fax numbers), as received from their fax machines.
Viewing Faxes
You can view a fax in two ways: by
To close a fax that has been opened from the Send Log, choose File/Close. You return to the Eclipse FAX SE window.
Viewing Fax Information
To view technical information about a fax, highlight the entry in the Send Log and click the Details button. The Send Log Details box provides the following information:
:Fax: The recipient's fax number.
:File Type: The type of file. File type will be "File Deleted" if the data file has been deleted but the Send Log entry kept (see "Deleting Faxes").
:File: The filename. For information about filenames and types, see "Managing Files."
:File Specs: The resolution and the file's size, in bytes.
:Application: The application in which the fax originated; the document's title in that application, if it has one; and the number of pages in the document, if it contains more than one.
Click the Details button again to turn the box off.