WindowsMobile 2003Chapter 2
77700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Inbox: Sending and Receiving E-mail Messages
To switch to Inbox on your 700 Color Computer, tap Start >Inbox.
You can receive Internet e-mail messages and SMS messages i n Inbox. In-
ternet e-mail messagesare sent by using an address you receive from your
Internetservice provider (ISP) or your employer. SMS messagesare sent
and received through your wireless phoneservice provider by using a
phone number as the message address.
You can send and receive e-mail by synchronizing with your desktop,or
by connecting to a Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or I nternet Message Ac-
cess Protocol 4 (IMAP4) mail server. You nee d to set up an e-mail account
for each method that you use except for M icrosoft ActiveSync, which is set
messages that you send and receive through synch ronization with a desk-
top. Accountnames appear as folders in the folder list (located on the left,
under the navigation bar) in the Inbox message list.
With synchronization,messages are synchronized between the device In-
box and the PC Inbox by using ActiveSync and Microsoft Exch ange or
Microsoft Outlook. For more information, see “Synchronizing E-mail Mes-
When connectingto a POP3 or IMAP4 server, you use a modem to con-
nect toyour Internet service provider (ISP), or a modemor Ethernet card
to connect to the local area network to which your e-mail server is connec-
ted. You can also use your phone to connect by using a cellular line con-
nection. For more information, see “Connecting to a Mail Server”onpage

SynchronizingE-mail Messages

After selecting Inbox for synchronizationin ActiveSync, e-mail messages
are synchronizedas part of the general synchronization process.During
SMessages are copied from the Inbox folder on your desktop or the
Microsoft Exchange server to the Inbox folder on your 700 Color Com-
puter. (Note that you can only synchronizeinformation directly with an
Exchange Server if your company is running Microsoft Mob ile Infor-
mation Server 2002 or later.) Bydefau lt,you receiv e messagesfrom the
last three days only, the first 100 lines of each new message, and file at-
SMessagesin the Outbox folder on your device are transferred toEx-
change or Outlook and then sent from those programs.
SThe messages onthe two computers are linked. When you delete a mes-
sage on your 700 Color Computer, it is deleted from your desktop the
next time you synchronize.
SMessages in subfoldersin other e-mail folders in Outlook are synchro-
nized only if they were selected for synchronizationin ActiveSync.
For information on initiating Inbox synchronization or ch anging synchro-
nization settings, see ActiveSync Help on your desktopor select Start >
Help >Connectionsto see Connec tions Help.