NetworkSupport—Chapter 4
183700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
5Select Start >Internet Explorer,thentapPocket Internet Explorer to
choose a web site. Your unit is now successfully activated.
Perform a cold-boot on your 760 Computer to uninstall the Watcher ap-
plication. Watcher is intended for activation pur poses only. Intermec rec-
ommends using the following for establishing and maintaining connection
to the WAN radio.
SCustom application using Intermec WWAN Toolkit API
SCustom customer application using Connection Manager Interface
Telus and Bell Mobility ActivationActivation of Bell Mobility and Telus are similar to the f irst portion of the
Sprint activationprocess. Follow the instructions for manual activation
using the Bell Mobility Watcher.CAB or Te lus Watcher.CAB file to install
the applicable application. Enter the activation lock codes and phone num-
bers as requested.
Username,Password, S ID Information
BellMobility Telus
Username 10digit phone
Password OriginalVoice Mail system pass -
word (usually a 4 digit number)
This is available fromthe activat -
ing organization.
The 11-digitESN printed inside
the 760 Computer battery
compartment, begins with 099.
SID 16420 16422