NetworkSupportChapter —4
136 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Network Selection APIs
The Network Selection APIs change the network adapter configuration
programmatically.Both drivers support the sameIOCTL function num-
bers for loading and unloading the drivers. Go to Chapter 7, “Program-
ming,” to see the APIs.
Network Connections
From the 700 Color Computer, tap Start >Settings >theConnections
tab>theConnections icon > the Advanced tab > Network Card or the
Network Adapters tab to access the network connectionsfor this u nit.
Make the changes necessary for your network, then tap ok when finished.
Consider the following before making your selection:
SFor a work connection or an internet connection, select the “Bui lt-In
Ethernet (10 Mbps)” option.
SThe “802.11b Wireless LAN” option is for 750 and 760 Computers
with legacy 802.11b radios.
SThe “802.11b PRISM Wireless LAN” optionis for 750, 751, 760, and
761 Computers with standard 802.11b radios.
SThe “802.11b/g Wireless LAN” option is for 751 and 761 Computers
with the latest 802.11b/g radios.
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