ProgrammingChapter 7
289700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Use the following information to programmatically control the vibrator, to
write an applicationto turn on the vibrator when a message is received via
the WLAN radio link,and turn it off when the user hits a key.
Vibrator support is implementedin the NLED driver as a false LED. The
vibrator is LED 5 and is identified with an CycleAdjust of –1. The vibrate
option is only available in the notifications panel when the vi brator is pres-
ent in the system.
Regarding anapplications interface to NLED.DLL, LEDs must be avail-
able for use by applications. This is possiblevia two functions exported by
the COREDLL.DLL file. To use theLED functions, declare these as ex-
tern ”C” as follows:
extern ”C” BOOL WINAPI NLEDGetDeviceInfo(UINT nInfoId,
void *pOutput);
extern ”C” BOOL WINAPI NLEDSetDevice( UINT nDeviceId, void
The LEDs are enumeratedfor access through the data structures associated
with these APIs:
SNotification LED 0
SRadio On LED 1 (does not apply to the 730 Computer)
SAlpha Lock LED 2
SScanner LED 3
SLow Battery 4
SVibrator 5 (does not apply to the 730 Computer)