NetworkSupportChapter —4
140 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
CDMA/1xRTTCORE Module (760 Computers with WAN Radios)Code Division MultipleAccess (CDMA) is a form of wide area wireless
communications. 1XRTTsu pports up to 144 KB per second packet data
The WAN radio CORE moduledisplays helpful information about the
CDMA/1xRTTradio option built into your 760 Computer.
WANMonitor — General
Below are descriptions and meanings for each piece of infor mation pro-
vided via the General tab. Note that the information is listed alphabetically.
Activated Indicatesw hether the ESN on this unit was ever activated.Note: this activation indicates that the
device wasactivated at some point in time. However, it does not guarantee that the activation is valid
or is working on the carrier’s network.
f/w Identifiesthe firmware version, if available.
NetworkType The networktype which would list “CDMA-1XRTT.”
On Indicatesw hen activationwas provided by your service provider.
Phone Number Identifiesthe telephone number (or MDN) assignedto the WAN Module installed in your unit.
Radio ESN Liststhe ElectronicSerial Number (ESN) assigned to this radio module or “Unavailable”if a
number cannot be read fromth e radio.This number is required for activation. You must provide
this number toyour service provider, such as Sprint, Verizon, Bell Mobility, etc., for activation.
Notea decimalversion of your ESN is on the Details page.
If the WANradio module is registered with a service provider network, one of these appears:
SRegisteredon home network: Radio module is registered on its “home”network.
SRegisteredon roamed network: Radio module registeredon another service provider’s network.
SRadio Not Registered: There is no network within range of this radio module.
RSSI Displaysthe Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) frequencyor lists “Unavailable” if there
is no signal orth e signal cannotbe re trieved fromthe radio module.
SerialStatus Indicateswhether serial communications passed (“Serial com OK”) or failed (“Serial com FAIL”)
in its lasttransaction. A status of “Serial com FAIL” typically indicates that the 760 Computer is
unable toe stablish communicationwith the radio module installed within.
VerizonNetw ork Identifiesyour network service provider.
This bar graph displays an active history of this radio module’ s quality of
Usually indicates the signal strength for this radio module. Three filled
dots indicate a high quality or strong signal. Three e mpty dots indicate
that the signal is out of range or there is no signal detected.