NetworkSupportChapter —4
194 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
AutoIP/DHCPAutomatic Private IP Addressing (AutoIP) is enabled by default in
Windows Mobile 2003. To remain compatible with other versions of
Pocket PC, thissetting needs to be enabled. You can configure the registry
settings in the following to set the required AutoIP/DHCP behavior:
SFor Ethernet:
SFot 802.11:
Other registry keys thatcan modify the behavior of AutoIP are as follows.
You can find the appropriate settings and behavior of each of these key si n
Microsoft Help.
When a TCP/IP clientcannot find a DHCP server, it generates an AutoIP
address from the169. block. The clientthen tries to check for
a DHCP server every 15 seconds and if a DHCP se rver is found, the client
drops the AutoIP address and uses the address from the DHCP server.
In the MSDN Windows CE documentation available out on the Micro-
soft Developer Network web site (,see “Automati c Client
Configuration” for moreinformation on AutoIP.
To disable AutoIP, set the AutoCfg registry entr y to “0.” If a DHCP serv-
er cannot be found, instead of using AutoIP, the system will display the
“Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address” message.
Note: If you try to disableAutoIP using a CAB file to set the registry value
for AutoIP, remember toset the EnableDHCP value to “1” to keep
DHCP enabled
Note: To extend the number of attempts that a DHCP clie nt makes to get
a DHCP address,use the DhcpRetryDialogue and DhcpMaxRetryregistry
Note: Change the AutoInterval registry key value to make the client re try