ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
382 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
TLS(EAP-TLS)EAP-TLS is a protocol that is based on the TLS (Transport L ayer Security)
protocol widely used to secure web sites. This r equires both the user and
authenticationserver have certificates for mutual authentication. While
certificateinfrastructure for all their users.
Use “TLS” to configure the use of EAP-TLS as an authentication protocol,
and select either “Open” or “WPA” as an association mode.
1Set 8021x Securityas “TLS.”
2Set Association to “Open.”
3Skip Encryption as it is automatically set to“WEP.” See page 372 for
information about WEP encryption.
4EnteryouruniqueSubjectName and User Name to use this protocol.
5Tap Get Certificates toobtain or import server certificates. See page
388 for more information.
6Tap Additional Settings to set options for server certificate validation
and trust. See page 384 for more information.