ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
381700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
1Select an authentication method from the Inner PEAP Authentication
drop-down list.
EAP/MS-CHAP-V2 Authenticatesagainst a Windows Domain Controller and
other non-Windows user databases. This is Microsoft’s
implementationof PEAP.
EAP/TokenCard Use withtoken cards. The password value entered is never
cached. This is Cisco’simplementation of PEAP.
EAP/MD5-Challenge MessageDigest 5. A secure hashing authentication algo-
2Check Validate Server Certificate to verify th e identity of the authenti-
cation server based on its certificate when using TTLS or PEAP.
3Enter the Common Names of trusted servers. Note that if these fields are
left blank, the server certificate trust validation is not performed or required.
4Click ok to return to the Security page.