PrinterSupportChapter —5
198 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Printing ASCII
The following methods for printing using Pocket PC at this time i s as fol-
SAdd port drivers to print ASCII directly to th e port.
SUse LinePrinter ActiveX Control from the Printing Resource K it via the
IntermecDeveloper Library (IDL) available as a downloadfrom the In-
termec webs site at your Intermec repre-
sentative for more information.
SVia wireless printing- see the W ireless Printing Development Guide for
more information.

Directly to a Port

Printing directly to the port sends RAW data to the printe r. The format of
this data depends upon your application and the printer capab ilities.
printer. Generally, applications just send ra w ASCII text to the printer.
Since you are sending data to the printer from your application directly to
the port you are in complete control of the printers operations. This allows
youtodolineprinting(printonelineatatime)rather than the page for-
mat printingoffered by the GDI approach. It is also much faster since data
does not have to be converted from one graphics format to the other (dis-
play to printer). Most Intermec
printers use Epson Escape Sequences to
controlprint format operations.
These commandsare available in documentation you receive with your
printersor from technical support. Win32 APIs are required to printdi-
rectly to the port.

Directly to a Generic Serial Port

To print directly toa generic serial port printer (non-Intermec printers):
SUse CreateFile() to openports — COM1 can be opened on most de-
SUse WriteFile() to send data directly to the printer .
SUse CloseHandle() when you are finished printing to close the port.
IrDA Printer Driver
IrDA printing is only available on the certain devices and is supported di-
rectly by the Windows CE load via the IrSockAPI provided by the Micr o-
soft Win32 API without need for additional drivers. Intermec 6804, 6805,
6806, 6808 and 6820 and other IrDA printers are supported.