NetworkSupportChapter 4
191700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Use this tab to print via Bluetoothdevices. Tap Device Discovery to disco-
ver (or scan) for remote Bluetooth devices. When the 700 Color Comput-
er is finished scanning, any newly discovered dev ices appear in the upper
Devices box.
Tap Clear Devices to remove the list from the Devices box.
To print to a Bluetoothdevice, select any of the devices listed in the
Devices box, then tap Connect. Once connected, the selected device
moves to the lower Connected box.
To view connection information or register a COM port for a device,
from the lower Connected box, select a device, then tapPropert ies.See
“Properties” on the next page for information.
When done printing to a device, select that dev ice in the Connected box,
then tap Disconnect. Thismoves the device in question back to the upper
Devices box.
Select a COM Port from the Choose COM Port box to register for this
device, then check Enable Wireless Printing to complete the CO M port
registration.To change your COM port selection, clear (uncheck)the En-
able Wireless Printing box, select a new COM port, then check Enable
Wireless Printing again. Check Default COM ports that already are i n use
are grayed out.
When you enable Wireless Printing,a status message is shown near the
bottom of the screen to confirm your action. To pr int a test page to your
printer, tap PrintTestPage.
Check Default to set this printer to identify the assigned COM Por t as the
WPPort in ther egistry.See the Wireless P rinting Development Guide for
more detailson WPPort.