NetworkSupportChapter —4
174 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
2Perform a cold-boot on your 760 Computer, the n go through the nor-
mal PocketPC set-up (i.e. Align Screen etc.).
3Important! Set the Date and Time.
4Tap the Sprint_Watcher_PPC_2002-03xxx.CABfile to perform the
5Perform a warm-boot on your 760 Computer to load the CAB file.
6From the Today screen, tap the LAN Network icon in the System Tray
(circled in the following illustration).
7In the NDISTRAY pop-upmenu (the Network Driver Interface Speci-
fication tray application), select No Networking and Auto FTP Off.
Tap anywhere onthe screen to close the menu.
8Tap Start >Programs >theWatcher icon to launch the SB555 Watch-
er program.