WindowsMobile 2003Chapter —2
64 700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Contacts: Tracking Friends and Colleagues
To switch to Contacts on the 700 Color Computer, tap Start >Contacts.
Contacts maintainsa list of your friends and colleagues so that you can
easily find the information you are looking for, whether you ar e ath ome
or on the road. You can enter both personal and business inf ormation.
If you use Microsoft Outlook on your desktop, you can synchronize
contacts between your 700 Color Computer and your desktop.
Tapand enter part of a name
toquickly find it in the list.
Tapto create a new contact.
Selectthe category of contacts you
wantdisplayed in the list.
Tapto see additional phone
numbersand e-mail addresses.
Tapto display or edit the
Tapand hold to display a
pop-upmenu of actions.
Tapto toggle to By Company (note the Name view)