1700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
This chapterintroduces the 700 Series Color Mobile Computer, devel-
oped by Intermec Technologies Corporation toenh ance wireless connec-
tivity needs.
This chapter contains hardware and software configuration inf ormation to
assist you in making the most out of your 700 Color Computer.
Note: “700 Color” pertains to740, 741, 750, 751, 760, and 761 Com-
puters unlessotherwise noted.
The components include:
SAmbient light sensors (next page)
SAudio system (page 3)
SBattery (page 5)
SBeeper (page 7)
SKeypad (page 12)
SModem support (page 17)
SPSM build version (page 18)
SResettingyour 700 Series Computer (page 19)
SSoftware build version (page 20)
SStorage media (page 21)
SVibrator (page 22)
SWireless networksupport (page 23)
Note: Desktop icons and control panel applet icons are shown to the left.