ProgrammingChapter —7
228 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
[DefaultInstall]This describes the default installation of you r application. Note that under
this section, you will listitems expanded upon later in this description.
Required? Yes
Maps to files defined later in the .INF file, such as Files.App, Files.Font,
and Files.Bitmaps.
Example: RegSettings.All
String that identifies one more section that defines sh ortcuts to a file, as
defined in the [CEShortcuts] section.
Optimal string that specifies a SETUP.DLL f ile. It is written by the In-
dependent Software Vendor (ISV) and contains customiz ed functions
for operations during installation and removal of the application. The
file must be specified in the [SourceDisksFiles] section.
String thatidentifies files that self-register by exporting the DllRegister-
Server and DllUnregisterServer Component Object Model (COM)
functions. Specify these files in the [Sourc eDiskFiles] section. During
installation, if installation on the device fails to call the file’s exported
DllRegisterServer function, the file’s exportedDll UnregisterServer
function will not be called during removal.
AddReg = RegSettings.All
CEShortcuts = Shortcuts.All
[SourceDiskNames]This section describesthe name and path of the disk on which your ap-
plicationr esides.
Required? Yes
1=,“App files” , C:\Appsoft\RP32\...
3=,“CE Tools” ,,C:\windows ce tools...
SCESignature: “$Windows CE$”
[SourceDisksNames] ; Required section
1 = ,“Common files”,,C:\app\common ; Using an absolute path
2 = ,“SH3 files”,,sh3 ; Using a relative path
2 = ,“MIPS files”,,mips ; Using a relative path