InstallingAp plicationsChapter 3
128 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Migrating Applications
Note: These instructions assume that the 700 Color Management Tools
were installed on your desktop and that a storage card was added to the
base configuration of the 700 Color Computer.
Do the following required stepstoensurethatCABfilesarerestored,ap-
plications automatically start, and registry is restor ed on cold-boot:
1From your desktop, double-click the Intermec CE Imager desktop icon
to access the Intermec CEImagerapplication. If this icon is not on your
desktop, then double-click the CEIMAGER.EXE executable f rom the
“C:\Program Files\Intermec\700C Mgmt Tools\Tools\CEImager”
2Click Default underComponents List to activate the components.
3Click (+) to expand the AutoRun System component, click (+) to ex-
pand the Destination Media option, then select either th e
CompactFlash Card option or the Secure Digital Card option. Do not
select both storage cards, as the AutoRun files copied will work for one stor-
age card, but not work on the other storage card.
Note: The 730 Computer does not support CompactFlash storage cards.
4Click Install to install the AUTORUN files onto the storage card.