Introduction—Chapter 1
15700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Alpha(Blue) Plane Key sThe alphabetcan be entered with either the numeric keypad or the alpha-
numeric keypad.Below and on the next page are the key sequences.
NumericKeypadWhen you press F, the Scanning/Alpha LED (C)shows‘red’for
the Alphamode. The keypad stays in Alpha mode until you pressF.
To type a lowercase ‘c,’ press F222(the [2] key three
times). To type a letter on the same key as the last letter entered, wait two
seconds, then enter the correct series of keystrokes to cre ate the next letter.
WhileyouareintheAlphamodeandyoupress1toinitiate the CAPS
mode, you will render a CAPS LOCK until you press 1again. Once
you are in CAPS mode, you stay in CAPS until it is pressedagain.
Press 0to enter a space.
ToEnter Pressthe K eys ToEnter Pressthe K eys
aF2 AF12
bF22 BF122
cF222 CF1222
dF3 DF13
eF33 EF133
fF333 FF1333
gF4 GF14
hF44 HF144
iF444 IF1444
jF5 JF15
kF55 KF155
lF555 LF1555
mF6 MF16
nF66 NF166
oF666 OF1666
pF7 PF17
qF77 QF177
rF777 RF1777
sF7777 SF17777
tF8 TF18
uF88 UF188
vF888 VF1888
wF9 WF19
xF99 XF199
yF999 YF1999
zF9999 ZF19999